Problems In Calculus Of One Variable – Maron

Mir Books

We now come to Problems in Calculus of One Variable (With Elements  of Theory) by Issac A. Maron

 I A Maron

This textbook on mathematical analysis is based on many years’
experience of lecturing at a higher technical college. Its aim is to
train the students in active approach to mathematical exercises, as
is done at a seminar. Much attention is given to problems improving
the theoretical background. Therefore standard computational
exercises are supplemented by examples and problems explaining the  theory, promoting its deeper understanding and stimulating precise  mathematical thinking. Some counter examples explaining the need for  certain conditions in the formulation of basic theorems are also  included.

The book is designed along the following lines. Each section opens
with a concise theoretical introduction containing the principal
definitions, theorems and formulas. Then follows a detailed solution
of one or more typical problems. Finally, problems without solution
are given, which are similar to those…

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